Visit our team at UIC Science & Engineering Laboratory East (SELE), Room NE4063

Sriharini Krishnakumar

Sriharini Krishnakumar,
Vertical Power Delivery in High Performance Computing Systems

BTech in Electronics and Instrumentation, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India, 2019

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Spring 2023

Internships: CHIPS, UCLA with prof. Subramanian Iyer, Summer 2023

Mohammad Aghapour

Mohammad Aghapour,
Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits for Machine Learning On-Chip

BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2016

MSc in Mechatronic Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2019

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Spring 2023

Leonid Popryho

Leonid Popryho,
Machine Learning based Routing in VLSI Systems

BA in Applied Math, Institute of Physics and Technology, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021

MSc in Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv Academic University Kyiv, Ukraine, 2023

MSc in Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Blekinge County, Sweden, 2023

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Awards: Kaggle competition, “Where am I?,” 2nd prize winner, 2021

Yaroslav Popryho

Yaroslav Popryho,
Machine Learning based Hardware Security in VLSI Systems

BA in Mathematical Methods of Modeling, Pattern Recognition and Data Security, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021

MSc in Mathematical Methods of Modeling, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2023

MSc in Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Blekinge County, Sweden, 2023

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Ayoub Sadeghi

Ayoub Sadeghi,
Power Circuits for High Performance Computing Applications

BSc in Electrical Engineering-Electronics, Islamic Azad University – Fars Science and Research Branch (FSRIAU), Shiraz, Iran, 2016

MSc in Electrical Engineering-Electronic Integrated Circuit, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran, 2019

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Salma Abd-Elzaher

Salma Abd-Elzaher,
Power Converters for High Performance Computing

BSc in Electronics and Electrical Communication, Engineering Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2021

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Mohamed Gharib

Mohamed Gharib,
Modeling and Analysis of Highly Integrated Sensor Arrays at the Edge

BSc in Electronics and Electrical Communication, Engineering Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2021

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Rami Rasheedi

Rami Rasheedi,
Power Delivery and Management for High Performance Computing

BSc in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 2021

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Anahita Asadi

Anahita Asadi,
Machine Learning based Electronic Design Automation of Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits

BSc in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Discipline, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2022

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2023

Amir Lotfi

Amir Lotfi,
Control and Conversion of Power in High Performance Systems

BSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran, 2020

MS in Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran, 2023

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2024

Mehdi Ashayeri

Mehdi Ashayeri,
Electronic Design Automation of RF ICs

BSc in Electrical Engineering, Lorestan University, Khoramabad, Iran, 2015

MS in Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, 2018

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Fall 2024

Hadi Khodaei-Jooshin

Hadi Khodaei-Jooshin,
ML Assisted Routing in Ultra-Large Scale 3DHI Systems

BSc in Electrical Engineering – Telecommunication Systems, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2020

MS in Electrical Engineering – Telecommunication Systems, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2023

PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago as of Spring 2025

Graduated HiPerCAS Students Heading link

HiPerCAS Students and Career Paths
Graduated HiPerCAS Masters and PhD students are making a difference today by developing cutting-edge technologies at the leading high tech companies
Farid Kenarangi
Farid Kenarangi, PhD ECE, 2017-2022
Farid received the PhD degree in ECE in 2022. His research at UIC focused on mixed-signal ML circuits for nano-scale integrated systems. Farid is a recipient of the 2017 Chancellor's Graduate Research Award. During his PhD, Farid interned at Wavious LLC and joined Google in Mountain View in October 2022.
Arash Fouman
Arash Fouman, MS ECE, 2019-2022
Arash received the Master of Science degree in ECE in 2022. In summer 2021, Arash interned at CCC Intelligent Solutions Inc. His research at UIC focused on Computer Architectures for Edge Intelligence. In 2022, he joined Apple Inc., Austin, TX, USA, as a full-time Software Engineer.
Vincenzo Petrolo
Vincenzo Petrolo, MS ECE, 2022-2023
Vincenzo received the Master of Science degree in ECE in 2023 (as part of a double MS degree with The Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy). At the UIC, his research was supervised by Dr. Debjit Pal. Simultaneously, Vincenzo conducted research in the HiPerCAS lab on Design and Simulation of Ultra Large Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits. In 2023, Vincenzo is expected to join the PhD program at The Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy.
Dmitry Utyamishev
Dmitry Utyamishev, PhD ECE, 2017 - 2024
Dmitry received the PhD degree in ECE in 2024. His research at UIC focused on enabling EDA and Hardware Security with advanced machine learning frameworks. During his PhD, Dmitry interned at Facebook Research in Menlo Park, CA. He join the robotics team at Amazon upon his graduation.

Other Students who Worked with HiPerCAS Heading link

Mohammad Zaid, ECE BS, Summer 2021
As part of the Undergraduate GPIP program

Jashan Virdi, ECE BS, Summer 2022
As part of the Undergraduate GPIP program

Kevin Palma, ECE BS, Summer 2022
As part of the Undergraduate GPIP program

Sreenaesh Ramesh, ECE MS, 2019-2021
Sreenaesh received the Masters of Science degree in ECE in 2021. In summer 2019, Sreenaesh completed a research internship at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. His research at HiPerCAS focused on On-Chip Analog ICs for Training and Learning.

Sahil Pandey, ECE MS, 2017-2018
Sahil worked on ML ICs. In Fall 2018, Sahil joined Innergy Systems, Inc, San Jose, California. In 2021, Sahil joined Qualcomm as a Senior Engineer.